Author Topic: Survivor: San Juan del Sur — Blood vs. Water II (Season 29 - 2014)  (Read 2811 times)

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Episode 8
Wrinkle In The Plan

So long...

...Josh. There is nothing better than seeing someone that has already been agreed upon by the majority as the person that will be voted off that night at Tribal Council. So, I was happy to see Jeremy win the Immunity Necklace, thus saving his own neck. I really didn't have an opinion on Josh one way or the other. He was playing the game, but he was never going to win the prize had he made it to the end. I actually see Jeremy (if he continues to win the Immunity's from here on out) and Natalie making it to the Top 3. With that said, I still don't have any player(s) that I'm rooting for, which is odd. There is always at least one player by now that gets my vote and gives me a vested interest throughout the season. Not the case this season.
Chip's Rockin' Art
Michael Scott To Meredith: "You've slept with so many men, your starting to look like one. BOOM! Roasted! Go here.


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Episode 9
Getting To Crunch Time

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...Jeremy. Looks like I spoke too soon. Last week I said that as long as Jeremy continued to win the Individual Immunity challenges, he could make it to the Top 3. But then again, I never thought he would be dumb enough to give up his Food Reward to his biggest competitor. Sent to Exile Island with no food, no shelter and no bed, is it any wonder that he was done and couldn't make a run at it during the next challenge. Solid episode that shows why Survivor is great TV viewing when things hit the fan and nothing is preordained. It sucks that Jeremy is gone because in a season full of crappy players with sh*tty personalities, he was one that I suddenly wanted to see win, just to spite the other players.
Chip's Rockin' Art
Michael Scott To Meredith: "You've slept with so many men, your starting to look like one. BOOM! Roasted! Go here.


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Episode 10
This Is Where We Build Trust

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...Wes. What a stupid move by Reed. Dude, you are without a doubt one of the dumbest people on the planet. You want Keith to vote with you in getting Jon voted out. So why on God's green Earth would you call Keith out during Tribal Council and put him on the spot that he has a Hidden Immunity Idol? Because of your shortsightedness, you altered the course of the game and gave Jon the paranonia he needed to play his own Idol. Once again, Reed, you f*cking suck. I wanted Jon gone once and for all.
Chip's Rockin' Art
Michael Scott To Meredith: "You've slept with so many men, your starting to look like one. BOOM! Roasted! Go here.


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FYI, watching Natalie's MASSIVE, EPIC FAIL in hocking a loogie, ending up on her chest, was the funniest Survivor moment evah!! Hahahaha!
Chip's Rockin' Art
Michael Scott To Meredith: "You've slept with so many men, your starting to look like one. BOOM! Roasted! Go here.


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Episode 11
Kind of like Cream Cheese / Still Holdin' On

So long....

...Reed and Alec. Finally an episode worthy of the Survivor name. It was the perfect storm that coalessed into a fun-filled two hour episode. It's unusual to get a 2 hour episode outside the Finale and the occasional premiere. I'm glad they gave us this one because a lot happened. For starters, I love it when Jeff Probst gets annoyed at "players" and admonishes them on national TV. When the tribe was being "diplomatic" in their way of throwing the challenge so that they could hand it to Missy, the look of contempt on Jeff's face said it all. Why bother even creating challenges if all they are going to do is mock the process. F*ck this tribe. But out of this simple gesture, it created a big fracture when Missy chose Baylor (duh) and Natalie over Jacklyn, which was the opening Reed was looking for. In the end, he couldn't pull off the blindside and now he is gone, which I'm okay with. Don't like him.

Another fascinating thing to watch was of course Jacklyn and Jon's huge fight. Loved it. He's an idiot and doesn't deserve a woman like that. She can do so much better. Very telling to see her flirting with Alec while he was on Exile Island. Even more telling was that she was still flirting with him when he came back. It has nothing to do with "the game". She knows Jon is weak. Getting back to Jacklyn, she is one of the hottest players ever on Survivor and this episode in particular showed her off in grand fashion. Definitely need to get some screencaps and post here. I think I have finally picked someone to cheer on to win it and it's Keith because of the insurmountable odds he would get to the end. Huge underdog and yet he is still around. Natalie also belongs in the Final 2. Know one else belongs in the Top 3. First 5 Star episode this season. It's about damn time!
Chip's Rockin' Art
Michael Scott To Meredith: "You've slept with so many men, your starting to look like one. BOOM! Roasted! Go here.


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Episode 12
Let's Make A Move

So long...

...Jon. Hallelujah! I was dreading the idea of him being in the Final 3. His arrogance knows no bounds and it was on full display at the Tribal Council. Seriously dude, on what planet do you think bragging about your 'Speech' for the Final 3 is going to be a good thing? For all future players of the game, when Jeff ask you "have you thought about your final speech", all you say to him is "Jeff, I have not thought about it. All I'm thinking about is just surviving this vote" and then keep your f*cking mouth close. Missy annoys me. Why there was even a discussion of her not voting for Jon when her own daughter is telling her to do so is just baffling. Well, the 2 hour finale is next Wednesday. I don't think I can wait that long. I wish they would go back to doing the Finale on Sundays like they always did. I'd only have to wait 4 days instead of a whole week. Ack! FYI, Jon is really dumb. He got voted off with a f*cking Hidden Immunity Idol in his pocket! HAHAHAHAHAHA! Loser!
Chip's Rockin' Art
Michael Scott To Meredith: "You've slept with so many men, your starting to look like one. BOOM! Roasted! Go here.


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Episode 13
This is My Time

And the winner is...


What a great moment for Survivor and definitely a moment that this season can hang its hat on. The first half of the season was very lackluster because no one was really playing the game, or more to the point, knew how to play the game. But watching Natalie pull off one of the biggest and quite possibly greatest blindsides in the series was......masterful. I loved how it all played out. I love that Natalie turned to Jacklyn and ask her if she voted for who she wanted voted off and got the answer she wanted and promptly gave Jacklyn the Hidden Immunity Idol. I was kinda shocked at first when I saw that it was Baylor that got voted off but then I immediately knew why she had to go. Get her off and leave Missy, with broken foot and all and you have bettered your chances at winning the Immunity Necklace in the final challenge. Missy will never win, so it was a practical move as well as a calculating one.

THIS is why I wanted Natalie to win. She EARNED it with all her big moves that basically dictated the outcome of this season. So, congrats to Natalie on a perfectly played game. As for the Final Tribal Council, I thought that Reed's 'Wicked Stepmother' speech was brutal. I felt incredibly bad for Baylor for having to sit there and listen to someone just verbally bashing her mother and not being able to do anything about it. It was a foregone conclusion that this would have her in tears. With that said, Missy is one of the most undeserving players to ever get to the the Final 3. This has nothing to do with her character. I have issues with the show literally carrying her into the Final 3 spot. Look, players get injured all the time. But when reality interferes with the game, that's where I draw the line. She breaks her foot and still wants to continue on, then great. But when you fit her with a leg cast, that's giving a player an unfair advantage (broken foot and all). She should have been pulled immediately. Overall, a strong finish for what was a lackluster season to start with.

PS, if I were Baylor, I would have gone up to Reed and kick him in the nuts. What did she have to lose? It's not like it would have affected her game or her mother's in any way. As for Keith, really wanted to see him get into the Top 3. He was killing it in the challenges and had he made it, I'm sure he would have won. Not bad for the Oldest player this season.
Chip's Rockin' Art
Michael Scott To Meredith: "You've slept with so many men, your starting to look like one. BOOM! Roasted! Go here.


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Episode 14
Live Reunion Show

Not sure what the deal is with CBS or Roku. But it took them a week to get the Reunion show up on Roku (whoever is in charge) and when it finally was up for viewing, it was a mere 25 minutes. The Live show was 1 hour in length as it has always been. So, not really sure why so much content was cut out. With commercials removed, the episode is always 44 minutes. Gonna have to check on CBS website and see if they have a longer version.
Chip's Rockin' Art
Michael Scott To Meredith: "You've slept with so many men, your starting to look like one. BOOM! Roasted! Go here.


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