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Re: The Flash (Season 1 - 2014)
« Reply #45 on: March 31, 2015, 10:10:16 pm »
Episode 16

The Trickster! Mark Hamill!! I have been waiting all season long for this episode and it delivered in spades. I was giddy, grinning ear to ear watching Hamill own every scene he was in. I thought it was a fantastic way to reintroduce the Original Trickster by using a Copycat, or new Clone to wreak havoc on the city. Having this kid led to the moment that probably pushed every fan boy over the edge when he told the kid "I Am Your Father". It was f*cking....Perfect!!! Loved him also making reference to Breaking Bad Season 5. Another awesome moment. Really liked that they were able to get John Wesley Shipp and Mark in the same room to share a scene together. It wouldn't have been right or complete otherwise. Great moment when Barry rescued him. With all this going down, the bug news is that we find out that Dr. Harrison Wells isn't who we thought he was. He's an impostor and that the real Wells in dead. A few weeks back when Wells said his real name was Eobard Thawne, I just figured he was brainwashed and not actually someone....something else. Awesome episode. FYI, the Special FX were phenomenal.
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Re: The Flash (Season 1 - 2014)
« Reply #46 on: April 15, 2015, 06:39:30 am »
Episode 17
All Star Team Up

All Star Team Up is exactly what it is. Felicity and Ray are in Central City to get help with his ATOM Suit at STAR LABS, which of course turns out to be perfect timing as the city is under attack by robotic killer bees. I thought that ATOM's introduction to Caitlin and Cisco was great as it served up an awesome Superman joke. A bit on the nose perhaps, but still one that you couldn't help but smile at. I had totally forgotten that Emily Kinney (Beth from The Walking Dead) was scheduled to appear as Brie Larvan / Bug-Eyed Bandit. It's unclear if she will have any kind of major role on the show because by the end of the episode she is caught and heading to prison. I really hope we get more because she was barely in this one. The main crux of this episode was really about Barry wrestling with the idea of telling Caitlin and Cisco that he suspects Dr. Wells to be the Reverse-Flash. I thought it was kind cool that Cisco was somehow able to have "visions" of a future that had already been erased from exisitence when Barry altered time. So, to have Cisco remembering Dr. Wells killing him is a nice twist. Now, will Iris also start remembering that she told Barry she loved him and that he revealed himself to be the Flash? Will
Dr. Wells remember killing Cisco? Me thinks so. Overall a great action packed hour with a lot of moving parts from everyone involved.
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Re: The Flash (Season 1 - 2014)
« Reply #47 on: April 22, 2015, 06:17:31 am »
Episode 18
Who Is Harrison Wells?

If the writers don't stop having the characters from both Arrow and The Flash from popping up on one another's series, I'm gonna be p*ssed once they do because I will have become accustomed to it. I wasn't expecing any cameos this week and it was a nice surprise because it wasn't an "event" as it was last week. It just seemed more like "hey, we are heading to Starling City" to investigate the scene of where Dr. Wells and Tess had their accident 15 years ago".  So, Cisco was able to confirm that the body he found was indeed the real Dr. Wells. If that wasn't proof they have been dealing with a fake Dr. Wells, having them find the hidden room that stores the Reverse-Flash suit is all the proof they need now. The cherry on top was having Barry, Cisco and Caitlin seeing the newspaper's front page proclaiming the disappearance of The Flash in the future. Can't wait to see what happens next. My guess is that they will keep the knowledge of finding the room to themselves as they investigate the matter more and will play along with Dr. Wells that everything is fine.
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Re: The Flash (Season 1 - 2014)
« Reply #48 on: April 28, 2015, 10:48:04 pm »
Episode 19
The Trap

One of the best and most thrilling episodes of the Flash happened a few episodes back and that was when Cisco discovered that Dr. Wells was the Reverse-Flash, only to be killed soon after. That episode the following week became nothing more than a cheat when Barry Allen as The Flash was able to time travel, erasing that moment. But in the ensuing weeks, Cisco has had flashes of an incident that never happened. So, it was really cool to see them invent 'Dream Catcher' goggles that would allow Cisco to tap into his dream. This leads to the Trap where everyone would basically recreate that very scene from a few episodes in order to get Dr. Wells to admit to killing Barry's mother.

The scene plays out exactly as it did before but this is Dr. Wells and he is smart for a reason. The twist is that he ends up playing the gang, revealing that he has been tracking all of them with hidden cameras everywhere. He has always been one step ahead. The secret is out. Where they go from here is going to be interesting, especially with Dr. Wells kidnapping Eddie. They both have the same last name, so this wasn't a total shock. I suspected that Eddie was in fact the father of Eobard Thawne. I don't know the history of the character, so he may be something else all together. The flashback scenes were great as well as we see Iris sitting bedside next to a coma-ridden Barry as she pours to heart out to him, takes his hand and gets a static electric charge. This will be the key for her finally figuring out that Barry is The Flash when she gets the same electric charge in the final scene. Can't wait to see what happens next week.
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Re: The Flash (Season 1 - 2014)
« Reply #49 on: May 05, 2015, 10:52:05 pm »
Episode 20
Grodd Lives

I've been waiting for THIS episode for a long time. They have teased Grodd a few times throughout the season. It was never anything like an extended scene or anything. They gave us just enough to whet your appetite. Well, this episode finally delivered on the promise and it was great. I'm not too familiar with Grodd from the comic books, but I imagine that this Gorilla, when he talks, he actually talks like a human would. But this is TV, so I'm guessing that they had it so that character can talk via telepathy, which cuts out the need for facial animation and bypasses the amount of money needed to pull off something like what you see in Plant of the Apes (the movie, not the TV show). So, they don't have to worry about cheap looking lip sync issues. As for the rest of Grodd, he was f*cking awesome. He looked amazing in everything that he was in. I dug the final shot of him climbing the building and then jumping off toward the camera lens. The negative of the episode was the whole Iris/Barry subplot. I haven't had any issues with their love triangle and their relationship as some other fans of the show do. But this one was a bit heavy-handed that left me groaning.
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Re: The Flash (Season 1 - 2014)
« Reply #50 on: June 06, 2015, 09:03:30 am »
Episode 23
Fast Enough

All season long I, along with any fan of the show, have been waiting for the Season Final which basically was teased from the first episode and onward. The showdown between Flash and Revere-Flash and the rush to save Barry's mother was the driving force of Season 1 and the Finale delivered in a big f*cking way. You think you know what's coming, but you don't. Hell, the writers actually went against what I thought would happen, which only made the episode all the more poignant when Barry gets to say his goodbyes to his mother.

The bulk of the episode was about whether Barry should or shouldn't go back in time to save his mother due to the repercussions of altering the future, thus erasing the relationships he has built. This leads to a handful of scenes that will have you tearing up emotionally. The scenes were great and packed a wallop.  Once it's decided that he would in fact travel back in time, the action kicks into high gear. I don't want to say much more if you guys haven't seen it. I love the finale enough to actually watch it again the following week and it was just as good. The only problem I had with it was how they ended the cliffhanger. It was just a weird, odd moment to fade to black. In spite of that little miscue, still one of the best episodes this season.
Chip's Rockin' Art
Michael Scott To Meredith: "You've slept with so many men, your starting to look like one. BOOM! Roasted! Go here.


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