....and that concludes Red Dead Redemption 2 with regards to the main Campaign Story, having just finished it and the final Mission is a ball-buster. I didn't have my two favorite six shooters when the mission started, so I was at a disadvantage going into it. It took about 5-6 tries before I even made it to the camp to where Micah and Dutch were hiding out. Once I got to the top of the Mountain at the first campsite, it was easy to maneuver around the sentries and take them out one by one. But getting there, sheeesh!
The final showdown between Marston, Micah and Dutch (with Sadie caught in the crossfire) was pretty good. I was however perplexed that I would have to go through all that trouble to get there, only for Dutch to shoot Micah. In that moment I was kinda p*ssed that I didn't get to shoot him.....and no sooner had I started b*tching about it, I was given the chance for the kill shot. It felt great to kill that motherf*cker. I've HATED that character since the moment he came on screen all the way back at the start of the game. He had it coming.
So, there are a ton of side missions I have yet to embark on, like Wanted Bounties and other stuff like that I still get to go back and redo missions and go for Gold. Most of the missions I did were either Bronze and Silver. I think I only got 5 or so Golds. So, there's still a lot left to do. But the main story is complete.
So, how do I feel about RDR2? Easily the best game I have played in years. Love everything about it. The characters, story, music, graphics. ALL OF IT! One thing that RDR2 offers that RDR didn't is that we now get to play the rest of RDR2 as John Marston, which the original game didn't for obvious reasons. I do have a sour taste in my mouth (just like I did with RDR) with Rockstar killing off Arthur Morgan. I really liked that character and I was hoping he would get a happy ending with his long-lost love. I thought that's where the story was heading. Nope. Anyway, yeah, LOVE THE GAME! This is my GAME OF THE YEAR. Don't care what the Game Awards Show says. THIS IS IT! I give this game 10 Stars out of 10.