Forum > Video Games

The Switch!


Oh, I'll go into more detail on this as articles come out, but let's kick this off with the trailer for Super Mario Odyssey!
Ex. Cite. Ed.
Zelda: Breath Of The Wild.

So now that we've gotten demo units in stores, I've actually gotten a chance to try and play one of these.  I'm surprised how little the switch dog controller is (and by extension, how small the Switch itself really is).  It really reminds me of the DS in terms of how big the buttons are (and their placement).  I tried using the motion controllers but it didn't feel quite right to me (having never played the Wii consoles), maybe I'm still wired to lean in on my controllers, but it feels like there's nothing there.  But that might be the point, I think there's this idea they're working towards where you don't have to press buttons, put as few restrictions between you and the gameplay.  I'm all up for that.

Isn't this already losing interest by the majority of players out there? I mean it was all everyone was talking about and then....crickets. Also heard about a lot of mechanical problems as well. Not sure if these have been fixed by now.


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